Uranium Caucus
The WMAN Uranium Caucus is a group of individuals and organizations in the US and Canada whose work in focused on, or addresses, uranium mining and milling operations and their impacts to the environment and the health and safety of workers and communities. Members share information, alerts, and opportunities for public comment; collaborate; share resources; and provide mutual support. The Caucus has an e-mail list and monthly calls.
About this Caucus
The WMAN Uranium Caucus is a group of individuals and organizations in the US and Canada whose work in focused on, or addresses, uranium mining and milling operations and their impacts to the environment and the health and safety of workers and communities. Members share information, alerts, and opportunities for public comment; collaborate; share resources; and provide mutual support. The Caucus has an e-mail list and monthly calls.
Uranium Caucus Issues
- Uranium Mills - closed, standby, and active
- In-Situ Leach Uranium Recovery Operations
- Uranium Exploration
- Uranium Mines - operating, under development, on standby, proposed, reclaimed, and abandoned
- Clean-up of abandoned uranium mines on tribal, federal, state, and private lands
- State and Federal Regulators and Regulatory Programs
- State and Federal Laws and Regulations - Mining Act Reforms
- Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA)
- Protection of Sacred Lands
Environmental Justice - Availability of Information to the Public
Historic Impacts - Rare Earth Elements and other radioactive prospects
- International trade in radioactive minerals
Related Websites
- WISE Uranium: http://www.wise-uranium.org/
- Black Hills Clean Water Alliance: bhcleanwateralliance.org
- Center for Biological Diversity: https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/
- Dakota Rural Action: www.dakotarural.org
- Earthworks: https://earthworks.org/
- Grand Canyon Trust: https://www.grandcanyontrust.org/
- HAUL NO!: https://haulno.com/
- Information Network for Responsible Mining: https://www.informcolorado.org/
- Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment: https://swuraniumimpacts.org/
- New Mexico Environmental Law Center: https://nmelc.org/
- Powder River Basin Resource Council: https://www.powderriverbasin.org/
- Southwest Research and Information Center: http://www.sric.org/
- Uranium Watch: https://uraniumwatch.org/
Sarah Fields, Program Director
Uranium Watch
P.O. Box 1306
Monticello, Utah 84535
(435) 260-8384