
Mining & Health: A Community-Centered Health Assessment Toolkit

A Community Health Toolkit for communities affected by mining

Protecting Your Water Rights: A Guide to Environmental Legislation and Limits on Mining Activities in Ontario

Minimizing Mining Impacts on the Road to Zero Emissions Transport

Report analyzing impacts of mining for energy transition minerals

UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

United Nations report on implementing the UN's Protect, Respect, and Remedy Framework

UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

United Nations official declaration.

We Don’t Need Deep-sea Mining

Report on how we can avoid damage to our ocean while meeting critical mineral needs; recommendations including circular economy.

Just Minerals: Safeguarding protections for community rights, sacred places, and public lands from the unfounded push for mining expansion

Report on why a responsible energy transition hinges on mineral law reform

Basis Principles for Protecting Your Community from Extractive Industries

Overview of grassroots activism to protect communities, with additional resources cited.

Modernizing Mineral Tenure: Some Examples in Canada

A 3-page comparative brief on mineral tenure in Canada

Mineral Tenure

A comprehensive report on British Columbia mining law reform

Undermining Our Future: How Mining's Privileged Access to Land Harms People and the Environment

A discussion paper on the need to reform mineral tenure law in Canada

Overview of 1872 Mining Law: Enriching Foreign Companies at Taypayers Expense for 150 years

A 2-page concise Brief on the 1872 Mining Law

The General Mining Law of 1872: Polluter of Water, Provider of Pork

A 2-page concise Brief on the 1872 Mining Law

The Last American Dinosaur: The 1872 Mining Law

Critique of the U.S. 1872 Mining Law with recommendations for reformU

Environmental Impact Assessments Should Include Rigorous Scientific Peer Review

Critique of EIS under NEPA with recommendations for change

Guide Citoyen Impacts de le Projets miniers sur l'eau

Guide de vulgarisation technique et législatif en vue de soutenir l'action citoyenne

Citizens Guide on the Impacts of Mining on Water

A technical and legislative guide to support collective action

Pivoting to a Winning Narrative on Mining

Narrative Strategy Memo on mining, just transition, and climate change

Climate Change and Human Health: Global Nuclear and Environmental Threats Critical to Climate Change and Human Health

This program page has links to the curriculum, session resources, and YouTube videos under “Resources”.

Safety First: Guidelines for Responsible Mine Tailings Management

WMAN's Safety First presentation covers responsible tailings management. This guide was endorsed by over 150 frontline communities, labor unions, Indigenous Peoples, political parties, environmental and human rights organizations, and technical experts.

Annual Banking on Climate Chaos Report

The annual Banking on Climate Chaos report exposes banks for their financing of fossil fuels.

FERC's Office of Public Participation (OPP) 2023 Annual Report

This report highlights the OPP's public services, community outreach and assistance efforts, and expanding toolbox of educational resources in 2023.

Bad Prospects: The Mining Exploration Financial Model that Rewards a Few While Creating Excessive Risks in the Shared Watersheds of BC & Alaska

Underscores the imperative for policy revisions to ensure that mining activities in BC & Alaska uphold ecological integrity, cultural heritage, and socioeconomic equity.

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