Black Hills Clean Water Alliance, South Dakota, U.S.
In 2019, the Black Hills Clean Water Alliance received an IEN-WMAN Mining Mini-Grant to address our funding needs at a time when we were overwhelmed with EPA hearings, comment deadlines, and other activities around gold exploration and proposed uranium mining in the Black Hills.

In 2019, the Black Hills Clean Water Alliance received an IEN-WMAN Mining Mini-Grant to address our funding needs at a time when we were overwhelmed with EPA hearings, comment deadlines, and other activities around gold exploration and proposed uranium mining in the Black Hills. The grant helped us prepare for and participate in EPA hearings about the agency’s revised draft water permits for the Dewey-Burdock uranium project. To prepare, we printed materials, did newspaper and social media advertising, put out messages through our e-mail listserv and Facebook page, held several meetings, rented a hall, purchased food, and rented vans to bring people to the hearing.
At the EPA hearing on October 5, 2019, at least 200 people attended and 78 people gave verbal comments over 7 hours. They ranged from about 11 years old to mid-80s, came from across the region, were Lakota and non-Indian, and were from all walks of life. All 78 speakers were against the proposed mining. At the 2017 hearings on these permits, 92% of the speakers were against the proposal, so we are making progress! The grant helped us make a clear statement that people oppose uranium mining and deep disposal wells in the Black Hills, as well as allowing us to further educate the public on the project. Stay updated on our work through our website Blog and Facebook.